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Client Journey with Ncoded Solutions #1

Welcome to our first blog post! 🥳


Heelloooo, world! 👋

Join our blog post to learn more about the Clients’ Journey with Ncoded Solutions. 🥳

As you could’ve learnt on our Linkedin page we are a development agency based in Serbia and, therefore, our job is to help you deliver what you envisioned as a new revolutionary app. Still, there is a long way to go, so before we embark on this journey let us introduce you to what is expected of us there.

In order to bring this experience closer to you we’ve made three personas: John, Anna and Pierre. You can read about them on our poster and learn what the profiles of our typical clients are. This is also one of the techniques we are using when we do product discovery and when we try to depict our typical customers.

Clients’ Journey Phases

How it all works? 🤔

We start from the Discovery phase and the fork in the road: your Product Manager has already done their part of the job, or you need a Product Manager and we can assist you with one.

In parallel with the Discovery we are going to start with the Design phase where our designers are going to come up with wireframes and high fidelity prototypes. This is always done in accordance with the engineers who are going to validate (y)our ideas.

Okay, now when we know what we want and we know how it should look like, our development team comes into place. The phase Development and Delivery is the phase where our teams of software engineers and QAs work on delivering product increments each two weeks – all that monitored by a Project Manager.

When you have something ready, you can do the User Testing part with your customers and make sure that we are on the right track, or steer us in the other direction.

Iteration-by-iteration, step-by-step and we are coming to the end of a release! In case you are ready to keep going we are even more! In case you decide that we should go idle with the Maintenance phase, we have a couple of packages that we can suggest.

In each of the phases we use different artefacts. All of them are on our Journey map. Most of them are drafted by our Project Managers and delegated to each member of our cross-functional teams.

What next?

If our modus operandi was interesting to you, you can take a closer look into our Clients’ Journey page and read a bit more about our processes. We are aware that different methodologies are woven into our work but all of them are carefully chosen by focusing on our company vision: Engineering your problems away. If any part of this sounded worth talking to us in person, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at

We are waiting for you! 🚀

Stay curious.

With love, From Ncoded Solutions ❤️

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